Citizen Finance — A gaming platform

6 min readMay 12, 2021



Blockchain technology has proved its great impact worldwide. Blockchain technology which was introduced with the increase ob bitcoin and it started with digital transactions of tokens while creating a quick , secure, transparent and anonymous ecosystem where third party involvement is completely bypassed and thus reducing transaction costs and unnecessary hurdles. Further with technology development, blockchain Expanded its area and now decentralized finance (DeFi) and non fungible tokens (NFTs) also are traded on blockchain. DeFi tokens allow all the financial activities possible on blockchain with all the advantages and advantages of this innovative technology. NFT tokens has special characteristics and values assigned with them. they’re unique and there are not any two identical NFT tokens during a same blockchain. This revolutionary development of mutual transactions which support digital tokens, decentralized finance and non fungible tokens has opened many opportunities in market and as we are seeing blockchain technology and its innovative developments are becoming mass adoption within the market and lots of new projects are emerging using blockchain technology. the simplest thing is that the entire process of transactions on blockchain is far fast, economical & transparent and every one data and knowledge is stored via smart contracts and nodes in user’s account and it can’t be manipulated or misused because it is usually available for transaction authentication.

Citizen Finance

The gaming industries showed much interest in blockchain technology and that we can say that gaming are going to be the primary real use case for blockchain. there’s mass adoption of blockchain technology in gaming industry. many game related projects are emerging on blockchain technology. Since games are likes and played by majority of individuals , there’s an enormous traffic of game lovers on blockchain. Mostly the gaming platforms offer their games in market and permit their users to play game freed from cost. These games has certain obstacles and levels to be cleared to become winner and obtain rewards. But here may be a trick that there are many game characteristic and gaming tools like certain weapons, pets and powers which are available as NFTs and has their important role because the winning or loosing the sport depends upon these special items. these things aren’t free and user need to buy that, The max revenue is generated via these special, unique and rare items. But the flaw is that though players buy these in-game assets (NFTs), they do not have full access and control of the assets they own. The gaming platforms give NFTs to users which are limited for less than game play and haven’t any other benefit for users. Once you buy an NFT, you’ll not sell, gift it or not you’ll use it as a collateral to borrow other assets otherwise you can’t exchange it for real money.

There is much interest of players in purchasing these NFTs and Citizen Finance is a platform which covers all the flaws and gives total ownership to your NFT. That means you can use your owned NFT in game and also you can use it as your real asset and can generate income from it or even dispose it. That seems amazing and Citizen Finance is such an innovative platform which is a real game changer and has created such an ecosystem where where players are the true owners of their in-game assets, they can stake it, resell it, gift it or simply use it as collateral. So Citizen Finance platform gives all the property rights to its users for their in-game assets (NFTs) which includes:

  • Right of Control
  • Right of Possession
  • Right of Exclusion
  • Right to Derived Income
  • Right of Disposition

Meta City

Meta City FPS game is a stimulating and innovative game of Citizen Finance platform. Meta City may be a Blockchain First-person shooter game on mobile and PC. Here the player has got to show skills to survive against the enemy attack, save himself also meta city. There are many in game assets which player can use to spice up power and defeat enemies. Each asset may be a blockchain collectible and has unique properties and value in game and also these in-game assets work as real assets possession for its owner as they will trade their assets to other cryptocurrency on secondary market place, there are different decentralizes pools where unused assets are often staked to earn CIPHI which is that the native and governance token of Citizen finance ecosystem. Also they will borrow funds by using their in-game assets as collateral.

That means this platform works in such how that the users of this platform are ready to play the sport Meta City and may purchase certain gaming tools (NFTs) to boost their level and to realize victory by investing their money. reciprocally these purchased unique in-game assets has double impact like they need their importance in playing and winning game and also the user is in a position to use them as their own possessed real asset as they will sell it or lend it to other players, they will exchange it with other players. can bargain with other NFTS by offering it to other players. meaning theses assets aside from their value in game, even have real value for its user and may be encashed in real money by the user/owner of that asset. Now this is often the concept which no other platform is providing within the market. So in citizen Fiance platform you’ve got real worth of your in-game assets and this is often the factor which differentiate Citizen Finance project from the opposite existing projects.


CIPHI is that the native token of Citizen Finance platform and CIFI is that the symbol of the token. CIFI runs on binance smartchain therefore the cost of transactions is far low so it allows its holders to utilize all the applications and protocols of DeFi to try to to their asset management accordingly and yield more output from their investment. The holders of in-game assets of this platform can stake them or use them in several liquidity pools to try to to farming then mint CIFI tokens. This token being governance token gives voting power to the active community members of this innovative platform. this permits the community to vote and reward the great work done on the platform and also participate in various deciding protocols like deciding the longer term growth strategies and also while deciding the fee structure on the platform. Further the community can decide which DeFi protocols and pools are to be added or removed in order that the users of this platform can get more benefits. CIFI token has various use cases on this platform. Users can utilize CIFI token to get NFTs from the secondary marketplace, use as fees for executing various transactions on the platform, stake CIFI to earn liquidity reward and also use for lending protocol. the entire supply 500,000 CIFI which is relatively very low and when the demand will rise, the worth will boom rapidly.


  • Mining (75.875%): 379,375
  • Sales IDO (10): 50,000
  • Liquidity(3.125%): 15,625
  • Team (10%): 50,000
  • Airdrop & Bounty (1%): 5000


As I have introduced you to this project quite specifically, I see Citizen Finance applications which can be considered as different layers of the civic finance ecosystem . This ecosystem works smoothly and there are different protocols and applications which make this platform a far better place for users to experience latest technology experiences with its own marketplace and with low cost transactions. Santa Fe is that the protocol of this platform and using it users can stake their NFT asets, can do liquidity mining and lend assets. Santa Fe runs on the Binance smart chain which guarantees low cost gas fee and fast speed. Further there’s a decentralized application, CiFiPowa, which enables artist to mint digital art work into NFT-based art, with help of an application forge which may be a tool that permits users mint their own NFTs for art, gaming et al. .This application also contains a decentralized marketplace for trading minted assets.

Media Social


#citizenfinance, #nft4fps #nft4XR #cifipowa #metacity #gamefi #citizens #cifi #defi #ciphi #bsc #blockchain #ownership Citizen Finance


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